general election

Tulip becomes British MP for 4th consecutive term

Tulip becomes British MP for 4th consecutive term

UK general election in numbers

UK general election in numbers

Voters to head to polls for UK general election

Voters to head to polls for UK general election

Rishi Sunak faces mass exodus as 78 MPs resign before polls

Rishi Sunak faces mass exodus as 78 MPs resign before polls

Final results of Pakistan's General Election 2024

Final results of Pakistan's General Election 2024

Independent candidates now in record book

Independent candidates now in record book

Sammalito Islami Oikya Jote to join general election

Sammalito Islami Oikya Jote to join general election

643 magistrates to be deployed in general election

643 magistrates to be deployed in general election

Jukto Front to join national polls

Jukto Front to join national polls

AL launches master trainers' programme on general election

AL launches master trainers' programme on general election

EC is taking preparation over next general elections: Rasheda

EC is taking preparation over next general elections: Rasheda

Next general election to be free and fair, Kamal to EU delegation

Next general election to be free and fair, Kamal to EU delegation

Samakal English

Acting Editor & Publisher : Abul Kalam Azad

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